Genicular Knee Radiofrequency Ablation

Genicular Knee Radiofrequency Ablation is an injection process in which a heat lesion is created on the genicular nerves, which surround your knee, to disrupt their ability to send pain signals to the brain.

This procedure is performed in an outpatient setting. The treatment is done with local anesthesia along with IV sedation when needed. Before the procedure begins your physician starts by cleaning the skin over the injection site and injecting a local anesthetic to numb your skin.

Another needle is placed through your numb tissue and the entire procedure is performed using fluoroscopy (x-ray guidance). When the needle is in the correct location, an electrode is introduced into the center of the needle. Stimulation is initiated first with sensory stimulation and then with motor stimulation. When the correct needle position is verified, local anesthetic and sometimes a steroid medication are injected.
Radiofrequency Thermo-Coagulation– The electrode is heated to 50-80°C and kept at that temperature for several minutes. Electro-thermal heat is generated, which allows for destruction of surrounding pain fibers, thereby decreasing your pain.
A Genicular Knee Radiofrequency Ablation will only be performed, if you have the proper duration of pain relief after a Diagnostic Genicular Knee Injection.
Who is a candidate for Genicular Knee Radiofrequency Ablation?
  • People who suffer from chronic knee pain
  • People for whom traditional treatments have failed
  • People who had a successful Diagnostic Genicular Knee Injection
Benefits of Genicular Knee Radiofrequency Ablation:
  • Immediate pain relief
  • Reduction in pain medication used
  • Lasts 6-12 months or more
  • Restored knee function
  • Minimally invasive
  • Proven to be a safe and effective alternative to surgery
  • Out patient procedure (no hospital stay)
Risks of Genicular Knee Radiofrequency Ablation:
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Muscle weakness
  • Over sensitivity of the skin at procedure site
All complications are rare and over sensitivity of the skin is temporary.

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