Chronic pain is often a consequence of cancer and can result from the cancer itself, medical tests, or treatment. If pain is not managed, it can worsen the physical, emotional, and psychological toll of the disease. This can weaken the body and impair the healing process, therefore, interfering with treatment. To meet the needs of people with cancer pain, physicians are using a variety of advanced techniques.
Treatments for Cancer Related Pain:
- Epidural Injection
- Medial Branch Nerve Block
- Spinal Analgesia
- Medication Management
- Pain Pump
- Surgery
- Acupuncture
- Biofeedback
- Distraction
- Counseling
- Relaxation Therapy
- Skin Stimulation
- Massage Therapy
- Pressure
- Vibration
- Cold/Heat Treatments
- TENS Unit
Tips for Managing Cancer Related Pain:
- Educate yourself about the range of treatment options and complimentary techniques available
- Communicate effectively with your physician by sharing information such as severity, location, frequency and duration of your pain
- Create an interdisciplinary pain team
- Monitor Your Progress
The cancer pain treatment professionals at Oklahoma Pain Center are committed to reducing pain and improving quality of life. Call today at (405) 752-9600.